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On 25-04 18:42, Saber Fakih wrote:
Thanks Jan,
I traced where the problem was, with regards to the ser.cfg ser restarts fine thanks.
I am now trying to work on the zone file, quick question; would I be editing, the file in /var/named using vi or is there an easy way of doing it, how would I set this, any ideas. I am looking for this info.
_sip._udp SRV 0 0 5060
Why don't you read the documentation first ?, See
Another thing I tried logging in using WM 4.7, does not recognise my server (, hence entered the IP and it found the server, however when enter the user details I get is signing in session for a while which then times out. Is what I should be expecting?? Any ideas.
This is a known issue with WM, digest realm must be equal to the domain part of From/To URI, this is not the case when you use IP address.