I am able to see RLS properly working when RLS and presence functionality is in the same server.
after that, I tried to integrate RLS as a separate application server.
To forward the message from RLS to presence server, I made below changes in the config file:
route[2] { if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); exit; };
if(is_method("NOTIFY")) { rls_handle_notify(); t_release(); }
if(is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) { $var(ret_code)= rls_handle_subscribe();
if($var(ret_code)== 10) #to forward to presence server t_relay("udp:<ip>:5070"); }
if(is_method("PUBLISH")) { #to forward to presence server. t_relay("udp:<ip>:5070"); t_release(); }
exit; }
because of this configuration, i found two problems:
1. when i am forwarding subscribe message (from RLS to presence server), its not sending the subscribe for all the contacts. Here, i am expecting (sort of) output of rls_handle_subscribe() to be sent to the presence server. Which is not happening.
2. When presence server is sending notify message, it is sending directly to scscf..instead of rls..
Can anybody let me know, how can I get the desired functionality of:
1. UE --> RLS --> presence server (subscribe) 2. Presence server --> RLS --> UE (for notify).
If there is any other way to forward message from RLS to presence, please let me know
Regards, Mahesh Peddi