If someone is logged in external network, (examlpe Asterisk) how to dial into his voicemail box. The Rquest_uri will not be recognized by voicemail. How to make voicemail prompt for user name and password?
depending on your voicemail server, you could use SEMS' conf_auth application, which collects PIN, verifies it against XMLRPC auth server, to get authorization, a URI and optionally a maximum call duration, and connects to that URI in b2bua mode.
The default implementation uses built in flite tts for the prompts, but you can of course use an wav files. auth via XMLRPC is also more exemplary - it depends on where you have your PIN stored.
see e.g. http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/sems/doc/current/AppDoc.html or http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/sems/doc/current/ModuleDoc_conf_auth.html
(iptel.org/sems/ -> Documentation -> Applications)
If you are using SEMS as voicebox server, then it is easier to do authentication directly in the voicebox application.
hth Stefan Sayer
dciepiel@orange.pl wrote:
If someone is logged in external network, (examlpe Asterisk) how to dial into his voicemail box. The Rquest_uri will not be recognized by voicemail. How to make voicemail prompt for user name and password?
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