Hi Stefan!
Do you have a backtrace of the coredump (of the crashing process)? Maybe
we can see something interesting this time.
Stefan Broddesson schrieb:
Rev. is 1.3.3 on debian_Etch_64
Have a scenarion that always triggers a core dump.
On Calee initiated <bye> and where destination address is a hostname not
IP address.
Executing forward() or t_relay() in script triggers the coredump.
dns & rev_dns On/Off with the same result.
DBG:core:comp_scriptvar: str 20 :
DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=7994, isACK=0
DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks: trans=0x2b4e6b2e0f48, callback type 1, id 0
DBG:siptrace:trace_onreq_in: trace off...
DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
DBG:core:sip_resolvehost: no port, no proto -> do NAPTR lookup!
DBG:core:filter_and_sort_naptr: found valid SIP+D2U ->
DBG:core:filter_and_sort_naptr: skipping SIPS+D2T ->
DBG:core:filter_and_sort_naptr: skipping SIP+D2T ->
Have a workaround that rewrites destination in case of hostName trig.
impractical though.
Ta semester! - sök efter resor hos Kelkoo.
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