Need some help in configuring Open SER xmpp module (I tried configuring using FPSDEM 2007 presentation pdf)
I have one single server on which Open SER and jabberd both are running. I tried configuring xmpp module on Open SER installation by changing the openser.cfg file.
I added following things in openser.cfg file:
loadmodule ""
modparam("xmpp","domain _separator","*") modparam("xmpp","gateway_domain"," sipxmpp.catch22") modparam("xmpp","xmpp_domain","xmppsip.catch22") modparam("xmpp","xmpp_host","xmpp.catch22") modparam("xmpp","backend","component") modparam("xmpp","xmpp_password","0915fc59edc8bd9425ddff892d89c22b2f3f0030")
if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); return; } if (method == "MESSAGE") { log("*** xmpp-handled MESSAGE message.\n"); if (xmpp_send_message()) { t_reply("200", "Accepted"); } else { t_reply("404", "Not found"); } return; }
log("*** xmpp: unhandled message type\n"); t_reply("503", "Service unavailable"); return;
'sipxmpp.catch22', 'xmppsip.catch22', 'xmpp.catch22' , all are alias names of same machine. So using this I am able to send Message from SIP client to XMPP Client but not in opposite direction. Also message is getting delivered some times with some difficulty and some time more than one time.
SIP client registered user - user1@openser_domain XMPP client registered user - user2@xmpp_host
I sent message from SIP client to user2*xmpp_host@openser_domain(xmpp_host = xmpp.catch22 in my case) and it got delivered but from opposite side XMPP client is trying to send message to user1*openser_domain@xmpp_domain(xmpp_domain = xmppsip.catch22 in my case) which is not getting delivered. So at one place xmpp_host is working and at other xmpp_domain is used which is not working.
I am getting confused with the settings of domains i.e. gateway_domain and xmpp_domain in openser.cfg file, Please give clarity on that. probably i am doing mistake there.One more question , how gateway_domain is different from openser_domain?? is there some more documentation from where i can take reference?
Thanks, Aditya