At 07:56 PM 8/10/2004, CJ Benson wrote:
Greetings All,
I am having a small problem that I'm not sure what the cause is. I'm running
ser, serweb, and sems. After loading the voicemail module in the ser.cfg, I
am receiving "Unable to connect to database, too many connections." MySQL
tells me there are 101 threads running. This only happens when I load the modules. I have successfully been able to get it to load, but now
things like serweb will not work with the same error.
I have missed something and/or set the configuration of sems or ser wrong?
Or do I need just up the number of connections limit to mySQL? (which I have
never done, any pointers?)
Yes. See INSTALL. -jiri
D) ser with Persistent Data Storage
The default configuration is very simple and features many simplifications.
In particular, it does not authenticate users and loses User Location database
on reboot. To provide persistence, keep user credentials and remember users'
locations across reboots, ser can be configured to use MySQL. Before you proceed,
you need to make sure MySQL is installed on your box. Your MySQL server must be
configured to deal with a large number of connection. To increase it, set the
following line in [mysqld] section of your configuration file:
set-variable = max_connections=500
Thanks and have fun.
Serusers mailing list
Jiri Kuthan