In the overly simplified version below, assuming I have 2 ip's: , and How do I specify which IP will be replaced?
In this particular case I want it to always replace with on packets going out, and on the way in. From my example it's always replacing it with the internal ip.
For example the following would be nice: EIP= IIP=
fix_nated_contact(EIP); fix_nated_sdp(EIP); etc.
if (method == "INVITE") {
fix_nated_contact(); fix_nated_sdp("3") if (force_rtp_proxy("FAEE")) t_on_reply("1");
onreply_route[1] { if (!(status=~"183" || status=~"200")) break; fix_nated_contact(); fix_nated_sdp("3"); force_rtp_proxy("FA"); }