Hi , User,,,
great issue to me ... please users help into my issue
1) the softphones are not hung upping ... Disconnecting... that means Behind the Nat client send Bye request .. But openser server is responseing the Bye .. and Ack to server...
my openser.cfg
route{ log("Testing-------> Starting\n"); if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }; if (msg:len >= 2048 ) { sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big"); exit; };
log("Testing-------> NAT detection into route 2 \n"); route(2);
if (!method=="REGISTER") { log("Testing-------> method != REG\n"); record_route(); }; if (loose_route()) { append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n"); route(1); };
if (!uri==myself) { append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n"); route(1); };
if (uri==myself) { log("Testing-------> uri==my\n"); if (method=="REGISTER") { if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("", "0"); exit; };
if (isflagset(5)) { setflag(6); # if you want OPTIONS natpings uncomment next # setflag(7); }; save("location"); exit; };
if (!lookup("location")) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found...... ! "); exit; }; append_hf("P-hint: usrloc applied\r\n"); };
route(1); }
route[1] { log("Testing-------> route[1] \n"); if (subst_uri('/(sip:.*);nat=yes/\1/')){ setflag(6); };
if (isflagset(5)||isflagset(6)) { route(3); }
if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; exit; }
route[2]{ log("Testing-------> route[2] \n"); force_rport(); if (nat_uac_test("19")) { log("Testing-------> nat_uac-test_19\n"); if (method=="REGISTER") { log("Testing-------> nat _ reg \n"); fix_nated_register(); } else { log("Testing-------> nat_cantact \n"); fix_nated_contact(); }; setflag(5); }; }
route[3] { log("Testing-------> route 3 \n"); if (is_method("BYE|CANCEL")) { log("Testing-------> Bye\n"); acc_db_request("Stop","acc"); unforce_rtp_proxy(); } else if (is_method("INVITE")){ log("Testing-------> Invite in route [3\n"); acc_db_request("Start","acc"); force_rtp_proxy(); t_on_failure("1"); }; if (isflagset(5)) search_append('Contact:.*sip:[^>[:cntrl:]]*', ';nat=yes'); t_on_reply("1"); }
failure_route[1] { if (isflagset(6) || isflagset(5)) { acc_db_request("Stop","acc"); unforce_rtp_proxy(); } }
onreply_route[1] { log("Testing-------> t_on_reply\n"); if ((isflagset(5) || isflagset(6)) && status=~"(183)|(2[0-9][0-9])") { force_rtp_proxy(); } search_append('Contact:.*sip:[^>[:cntrl:]]*', ';nat=yes');
if (isflagset(6)) { fix_nated_contact(); } exit; }