Hello Raviprakash,
On 9/14/06, raviprakash sunkara sunkara.raviprakash.feb14@gmail.com wrote:
Hi , OpenSER is having authenticate feature... For better Authentication and authorizing, USE Radius......
Thank for your quick answer. I guess you are talking about the authentification module. My precise need is for proxy-to-proxy authentification as I can't sent back the "407 - Proxy Authentification Required" answer to the PSTN gateway. What I would like is something like this:
pstn-gw === INVITE ===> local-openser === INVITE ===> remote-carrier <=== 407 === === INVITE ===> <=== 200 OK === <=== 200 OK ===
The UAC module can do this but the problem for me is that it can only accept one static (user,password,domain) tuple for all calls. And what I would like is to retrieve a specific tuple from db for each relayed call (depending on the From and R-URI for example.)
Any idea on how to achieve this ?
Regards, -vma .