Hi All,
I'm facing a situation for P2P call where it need to determine both caller and callee network type, except for both parties having direct (internet) connection (on Public IP), the rest of combinations will implement force_rtp_proxy. (the 4 combinations are: NAT-> NAT, NAT -> Public IP, Public IP -> NAT, Public IP -> Public IP).
Wondering if I can use isflagset or fetch flag from remote peer (callee) ? or is there any function that allow this to be happen ?
Thanks, David Loh
David Loh wrote:
Hi All,
I'm facing a situation for P2P call where it need to determine both caller and callee network type, except for both parties having direct (internet) connection (on Public IP), the rest of combinations will implement force_rtp_proxy. (the 4 combinations are: NAT-> NAT, NAT -> Public IP, Public IP -> NAT, Public IP -> Public IP).
Wondering if I can use isflagset or fetch flag from remote peer (callee) ? or is there any function that allow this to be happen ?
Usually you do it this way (pseudo code): - configure NAT flag (e.g. flag 5). http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.3.x/usrloc.html#AEN76
if (REGISTER) { if (behind NAT) setbflag(5) save(); exit; }
...call routing... if (behind NAT) setflag(6) .. activate branch route .... t_relay(); exit;
branch_route[1] { if isflagset(6) || isbflagset(5) force_rtpproxy(); ... do other NAT traversal stuff ... }
regards klaus }
Hi Klaus,
I've tried setbflag and everything work fine except for caller (from Public IP) call to callee (behind NAT), it supposed to establish the call via RTP Proxy, but due to OpenSER doesn't detect any flag/bflag therefore the onreply route wasn't execute force_rtp_proxy. (but remote peer is NATed) I'll paste my configuration here, can you point out what mistakes I've made?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Register route route[1] { sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
if(!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("", "0"); exit; }
if(!check_to()) { xlog("L_INFO", "REGISTER Spoofed To-URI detected - RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Spoofed To-URI Detected"); exit; }
if(!search("^Contact:[ ]**") && nat_uac_test("19")) { xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: REGISTER [$fu]($si) is NATED"); fix_nated_register(); setbflag(5); }
if(!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); exit; }
xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: REGISTER [$fu]($si) ($ua) Registration SUCCESSFUL"); exit; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Invite Route route[3] { if(nat_uac_test("19")) { fix_nated_contact(); }
if(uri=~"^sip:10*.+@.*" || uri=~"^sip:([A-Z][a-z])([A-Z][a-z]).+@*") { if(uri=~"^sip:10*") { strip(3); } xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: P2P call [$fu]($si) to [$tu]"); if(!lookup("location")) { xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: P2P Peer not found [$tu] from [$fu]($si)"); sl_send_reply("404", "User Offline"); exit; } if(nat_uac_test("19")) { t_on_reply("2"); force_rtp_proxy(); setflag(3); xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: P2P call in NATed Environment - Force RTP Proxy [$fu]($si) to [$tu]"); } } else { if(!proxy_authorize("", "subscriber")) { xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: INVITE [$fu]($si) PROXY authentication FAILED"); proxy_challenge("", "1"); exit; }
if(!check_from()) { xlog("L_INFO", "INVITE Spoofed From-URI detected - RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Spoofed From-URI Detected"); exit; }
rewritehostport(""); }
t_on_failure("1"); t_relay(); xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: INVITE F-[$fu] T-[$tu] IP-[$si] UA-[$ua] SUCCESSFUL"); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Onreply route for P2P call onreply_route[2] { if(nat_uac_test("1")) { fix_nated_contact(); }
if(status=~"(180)|(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") { if(!search("^Content-Length:[ ]*0")) { if (isflagset(3) || isbflagset(5)) { xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: [$fu]($si) - Onreply route need to RTP proxy."); force_rtp_proxy(); } } }
xlog("L_INFO", "DBG: On Reply - S=$rs D=$rr F=$fu T=$tu RURI=$ru"); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks, David Loh
Klaus Darilion wrote:
David Loh wrote:
Hi All,
I'm facing a situation for P2P call where it need to determine both caller and callee network type, except for both parties having direct (internet) connection (on Public IP), the rest of combinations will implement force_rtp_proxy. (the 4 combinations are: NAT-> NAT, NAT -> Public IP, Public IP -> NAT, Public IP -> Public IP).
Wondering if I can use isflagset or fetch flag from remote peer (callee) ? or is there any function that allow this to be happen ?
Usually you do it this way (pseudo code):
- configure NAT flag (e.g. flag 5).
if (REGISTER) { if (behind NAT) setbflag(5) save(); exit; }
...call routing... if (behind NAT) setflag(6) .. activate branch route .... t_relay(); exit;
branch_route[1] { if isflagset(6) || isbflagset(5) force_rtpproxy(); ... do other NAT traversal stuff ... }
regards klaus }