On 18-09-2005 19:47, Federico Giannici wrote:
I cannot understad the meaning and the purpose of the
two fields
"caller_deleted" and "callee_deleted" in the "acc" SQL
I found no reference to them in the entire SER sources (0.9.4)...
Anybody knows what is their purpose?
Those field are used by serweb. When caller logs in serweb and deletes
the list of accounting entries, it must not delete the row from the
table because it is still needed for the callee. In this case serweb
will set caller_delete flag and keep the row. The row will only be
delete from the table once both of them delete it in serweb.
As we are talking about accounting... I'd like if
it was possible to
register the source IP of the request messages and the session media
info (if present): used codec, media type (audio, video...), etc...
That is not possible (at least not easily), because SER does not know
the result of media negotiation (and it can even change during the