I have looked for this inside the kamctl and I don't find it, I don't believe that it was that the export error, somebody that has installed sermyadmin in suse 11?
regards ..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 12:24:06 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] sermyadmin setup suse 11
Please, don't send an image attachment, just copy the console output.
This error is very common and is related to "phplib" field. Modify /etc/openserctl and set it to "no" (or something similar..).
Look for the exact error in Google for more responses.
Hi rickygm,
Firstly I'd like to ask , did you install SERweb support during creation of openser database ? if yes, so you have either to remove the SERweb tables manually or drop openser database and create it again wihout SERweb tables support .
if not , you can remove the webapps/sermyadmin folder(e.g rm -r /path/to/webapps/sermyadmin) , depends on where you installed serMyAdmin , then restart tomcat, after that open your browser to point to the url of sermyadmin on the server (e.g http://server-ip:8080/serMyAdmin ) DONT LOGIN YET .
hence begin to apply the security patch again (mysql -u root -p openser <openser.sql)
Note : don't forget to apply the recent patch from sermyadmin.org/openser/openser.sql
Now I think the problem should be solved and you can login as weel, i faced common problems like this alot .
This error is very common and is related to "phplib" field.
Modify /etc/openserctl and set it to "no" (or something similar..).
the file is kamctlrc not kamctl .
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:15 AM, Ricky Gutierrez xserverlinux@yahoo.comwrote:
I have looked for this inside the kamctl and I don't find it, I don't believe that it was that the export error, somebody that has installed sermyadmin in suse 11?
regards ..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 12:24:06 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] sermyadmin setup suse 11
Please, don't send an image attachment, just copy the console output.
This error is very common and is related to "phplib" field. Modify /etc/openserctl and set it to "no" (or something similar..).
Look for the exact error in Google for more responses.
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