I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
I use numbers for all usernames in ser, and hence voicemail boxes in asterisk, makes it easier. All aliases are names, hence both work.
DID in separate table which is mapped to subscriber just like alias is, hence I do two lookups, one in aliases and one in DiD_table, I was going to drop aliases altogether , and may do in the future, but for those using softphones it's easier.
As for updating get asterisk to read from mysql, and then when you add a user simply create the voicemail entry in there.
Daryl Sanders wrote:
I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Hi Iqbal, Speaking of users registered in SER with Asterisk voicemails, how would you allow calls from external domains to reach your user's voicemail, considering those callers don't have an asterisk account? Isn't it Asterisk will prompt "403 Forbidden"?
Iqbal wrote:
I use numbers for all usernames in ser, and hence voicemail boxes in asterisk, makes it easier. All aliases are names, hence both work.
DID in separate table which is mapped to subscriber just like alias is, hence I do two lookups, one in aliases and one in DiD_table, I was going to drop aliases altogether , and may do in the future, but for those using softphones it's easier.
As for updating get asterisk to read from mysql, and then when you add a user simply create the voicemail entry in there.
Daryl Sanders wrote:
I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 07:29:17 +0800, Ryan Pagquil wrote
Hi Iqbal, Speaking of users registered in SER with Asterisk voicemails, how would you allow calls from external domains to reach your user's voicemail, considering those callers don't have an asterisk account? Isn't it Asterisk will prompt "403 Forbidden"?
I just set up Asterisk to handle voicemail in a rather simple fashion. The mailboxes on the Asterisk box are set up with the same number as the phone number for the local SER user. If the SER user is in the asterisk group (a sort of enhanced email compared to the basic SEMS that I have going), then it simply passes the data on to the asterisk server much the way I'd forward to another gateway provider:
if(is_user_in("Request-URI", "asterisk")) { setflag(23); };
Later on where I'd forward to voicemail, I'd just call:
if(isflagset(23)) { rewritehostport(""); forward(uri:host,uri:port); break; };
Where the would be the IP of your asterisk server.
If you set up the extension in asterisk (since no one's actually logged ON to the box) and set up the sip.conf right (which takes only some minor changes for port or codecs if you WANT them), then it forwards right there to the voicebox and says "The person at extension BLAH is unavailable.... etc, etc"
Very simple, really.
external domains to reach my users voicemail, why would I want to do that...have I missed a trick. Are ytou saying users from voip provider ABC , should be able to pikc up voicemail from voip provider DEF...or are you saying that a user should be able to get his voicemail from using a mobile handset
Ryan Pagquil wrote:
Hi Iqbal, Speaking of users registered in SER with Asterisk voicemails, how would you allow calls from external domains to reach your user's voicemail, considering those callers don't have an asterisk account? Isn't it Asterisk will prompt "403 Forbidden"?
Iqbal wrote:
I use numbers for all usernames in ser, and hence voicemail boxes in asterisk, makes it easier. All aliases are names, hence both work.
DID in separate table which is mapped to subscriber just like alias is, hence I do two lookups, one in aliases and one in DiD_table, I was going to drop aliases altogether , and may do in the future, but for those using softphones it's easier.
As for updating get asterisk to read from mysql, and then when you add a user simply create the voicemail entry in there.
Daryl Sanders wrote:
I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
No. I'm just asking how does users from other domains can leave message to asterisk voicemail?
Iqbal wrote:
external domains to reach my users voicemail, why would I want to do that...have I missed a trick. Are ytou saying users from voip provider ABC , should be able to pikc up voicemail from voip provider DEF...or are you saying that a user should be able to get his voicemail from using a mobile handset
Ryan Pagquil wrote:
Hi Iqbal, Speaking of users registered in SER with Asterisk voicemails, how would you allow calls from external domains to reach your user's voicemail, considering those callers don't have an asterisk account? Isn't it Asterisk will prompt "403 Forbidden"?
Iqbal wrote:
I use numbers for all usernames in ser, and hence voicemail boxes in asterisk, makes it easier. All aliases are names, hence both work.
DID in separate table which is mapped to subscriber just like alias is, hence I do two lookups, one in aliases and one in DiD_table, I was going to drop aliases altogether , and may do in the future, but for those using softphones it's easier.
As for updating get asterisk to read from mysql, and then when you add a user simply create the voicemail entry in there.
Daryl Sanders wrote:
I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Hi Iqbal,
Thanks for the info!
I now have all SER users setup with numeric usernames, and have asterisk reading from mysql, so updates are easy. I am still a little concerned about the DIDs and alpha aliases. Maybe you can shed some light on things...
What was the reason for putting your DIDs in a seperate table? I am currently using the aliases table to store both alpha (softphones) and numeric (DID) aliases. I am using SER's numeric SIP usernames for my asterisk mailboxs/extensions. Is there anything I should be concerned about with this setup?
One fear I have is that at some point my SIP usernames will be confused with real world DIDs. For example, if I have a the SIP username 3331234... If this number is actually a real PSTN phone number, I can see this causing problems as SER matches the username before looking up aliases.
- Daryl
On 10/10/05, Iqbal iqbal@gigo.co.uk wrote:
I use numbers for all usernames in ser, and hence voicemail boxes in asterisk, makes it easier. All aliases are names, hence both work.
DID in separate table which is mapped to subscriber just like alias is, hence I do two lookups, one in aliases and one in DiD_table, I was going to drop aliases altogether , and may do in the future, but for those using softphones it's easier.
As for updating get asterisk to read from mysql, and then when you add a user simply create the voicemail entry in there.
Daryl Sanders wrote:
I'm looking for pointers, best practices or experiences from SER users who are using Asterisk for voicemail-only in their SER setup, especially when it comes to planning username/extension/mailbox naming schemes.
This is for a large-scale deployment (10K+ users) so I want to get it right the first time. Many of my users will have DIDs tied to their account while others will not.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to having alpha-numeric SER usernames and using aliases for DID numbers?
I'm not sure if it matters, but we will be using a third party PSTN provider and will need to support DIDs from multiple countries.
Also, are there any scripts available to automatically create an Asterisk voicemail box when a new user is added to SER?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated!
- Daryl
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers