Ravi or Juha,
if you've connected E61 succesfully, could you post the parameters here? I just can't...
Thanks a lot
David Villasmil Govea wrote:
Ravi or Juha,
if you've connected E61 succesfully, could you post the parameters
here? I just can't...
First, make sure that you're running the latest firmware relaese. For the e61, it should be 3.0633.09.04. You can check that on http://europe.nokia.com/A4577224.
The nokia e61 SIP configuration is very confusing and does not follow the common logic. First you have to configure so called access points which are basically IP network configurations. Then you need to add SIP settings for *each* access point you plan to use your SIP phone. One would think that SIP settings are independent from network settings, but apparently not in the e61 world.
Then you need to add a 'SIP profile' that includes multiple SIP settings in order to use your SIP account with different network connections. Can it get more complicated than that?
Here are the settings I have on my E61:
Settings --> Connection --> SIP settings:
- profile name: any - service profile: IETF - default access point: any - publice user name: sip:<username>@<domain> - use compression: no - registration: always on - use security: no - proxy server -- proxy server address: sip:<domain> (naptr/srv is supported) -- realm: <domain> -- username: <username> -- password: xxx -- allow loose routing: Yes -- transport type: Auto (naptr is used) -- port: 5060 - registrar server -- registrar serv. addr.: sip:<domain> -- realm: <domain> -- username: <username> -- password: xxx -- transport type: Auto (naptr is used) -- port: 5060
Settings --> Connection --> Internet tel. settings: - Default -- Name: Default -- SIP profiles: <add all SIP accounts as defined above>
Also make sure that your access point setup is working fine by using e.g. the web browser.