Hello Samuel,
Many thanks for your quick and useful response. It has done the trick!!!.
Thanks again,
Cyp. -----
----- Original Message ---- From: samuel samu60@gmail.com To: Cyprian Clement cyprian_clement@yahoo.co.uk Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org Sent: Thursday, 7 June, 2007 8:45:06 AM Subject: Re: [Serusers] SER's MySql Tables display
mysql>DESC <tablename>
so, in the mysql prompt, typing DESC user_preferences will return the table columns.
2007/6/7, Cyprian Clement < cyprian_clement@yahoo.co.uk>:
With regard to the built in SER tables of the Mysql database, as most of them are empty(unless you insert rows) I would like to know first what columns are there already before I insert anything.
Does anyone know what command I can use to display columns of the empty table(say "usr_preferences" empty table) ?.
Thanks in advance.
Cyp. ---------
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