For non-commercial support please address our sr-users list (added to CC).
Please look at the uac module, there a function uac_auth() for this particular scenario with example cfg.
-- Henning Westerholt – https://skalatan.de/blog/ Kamailio services – https://gilawa.comhttps://gilawa.com/
From: Keshav Kaushik kdkaushik@gmail.com Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 1:34 PM To: Henning Westerholt hw@gilawa.com Subject: kamailio Trunk authentication
Respected Sir, I am new to kamailio so not very familiar with config PV’s and transformations etc. I have successfully authenticated the Twilio SIP phone via ACL. But I also willing to authenticate the Twilio SIP via username and password. For doing this I plan to modify the “proxy-authentication” header as blow:
if (is_present_hf("Proxy-Authorization")) {
$nonc=$sel(proxy-authorization.nonce);// not working $has="kamailio:$ar:SdE-----------ADVpa"; $ha1=$(has{s.md5}); hat="$aa:$adu"; $ha2=$(hat{s.md5}); $resp="$HA1:$nonc:$HA2"; append_hf('Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="kamailio", realm="$ar", nonce="$nonc", uri="sip:+1650ZZZZZZ@XX.YY.7.195", response="$(resp{s.md5})"'); } remove_hf("Proxy-Authorization");// remove original header
When I save the config file and restart kamailio, it does not start, may be due to some error in code.
Can you please help in authentication of a SIP trunk using user/passowrd.
Thanks in advance
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