On 06-05 13:14, Andrea Bondavalli wrote:
Hi all,
in order to achieve reliability I am currently trying to setup
two SIP proxy responsible for a single DNS SRV domain.
My User Agents do support a DNS fail-over
mechanism and they are able to communicate with
the secondary Proxy Server when the dialog with the Primary Proxy fails.
At this time I am setting up two proxy servers (primary and secondary) both responsible
for the same DNS SRV domain.
Each Proxy do connect to its local mysql database (located on the same host
of the SER) and they are both configured to exchange REGISTERs using the
t_replicate() function.
Now I have to setup the mysql DB replication and I have some questions:
1) Is the described way of setting up a primary and a secondary Proxy server right ?
2) Which kind of DB replication should I setup ?
Whatever works best for you -- there are no special requirements.
3) Do I have to exclude the USRLOC table from the
replication or not ?
(the USRLOC replication should be guaranteed by the REGISTERs exchange)
Yes, you can exclude the table if you consider t_replicate reliable
enough (i.e. the computers are on the same lan, for example).