Hi folks,
We identified a memory leak in *utils* module, when calling the http_query() function. a memory piece is allocated with malloc() to store http request result string (functions.c:54), but this memory is never freed.
There is also a possible crash issue, because curl_easy_getinfo() is called *after* curl_easy_cleanup(), which must not be done (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_cleanup.html)
I attached patches to fix those issues (applies to 4.0 branch)
Regards, Guillaume Bour
On 15/02/2014 03:21, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Guillaume Bour writes:
I attached patches to fix those issues (applies to 4.0 branch)
thanks for the patch. since it was for 4.0 i had to manually apply the changes to master and then i did cherry pick to 4.1. cherry pick to 4.0 failed.
-- juha
Hi Juha,
Thank you. Can't you directly apply my patch on 4.0 branch ?
Regards Guillaume.