presence_b2b processes INTERNAL subscriptions (through QSA - internal
API for status querying) and generates SIP subscriptions according to
them (now only presence subscriptions). Each arriving NOTIFY triggers
notification through QSA.
It works quite good with one SER as resource list server and another as
presence server.
On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 12:01:59PM -0500, Curt Moore wrote:
Hello all.
I have been experimenting with the ser-0.10.99-xxx branch(es) and have
a question about the presence_b2b module.
I realize that the module is not yet fully complete but according to
the documentation, when finished, the module should be able to take an
inbound SUBSCRIBE request and then create a new SUBSCRIBE request
outbound to another SIP entity or multiple SIP entities, ie Asterisk
servers, hence the back to back functionality. What is the status of
this functionality? Is anyone currently working to complete this
functionality? I would be interested in helping complete or
sponsoring the completion of this functionality.
My intent is to have a SER server act as the central watcher database
server and have all SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY requests channeled through
this SER server. This SER server will then generate new SUBSCRIBE
requests out to each server in a farm of Asterisk servers and the
Asterisk servers will then send NOTIFIES back to the SER watcher
server. The watcher server will then take care of sending the NOTIFY
messages to the correct watcher(s), according to the data in its
watcher database.
Is anyone currently doing anything similar to this using a different
method or is using the yet to be completed B2B UA the correct/only way
to accomplish this?
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