Hi Michal,
I tried to use the regular expression mapping but mentioned one didn't work for such
uri: sip:+4822777@voipp.tele.pw.edu.pl
regexp: uri=~ "sip:+[0-9]{7}@.*"
what is missing here?
The is_e164("@ruri") also returned the negative result for such uri, but this is
probably because of the to small number of digits in the uri, isn't it?
After this I tried to run it anyway to check if the enum resolving works.
I set the module parameter domain_suffix:
modparam("enum", "domain_suffix","voipp.tele.pw.edu.pl.")
and put the following record in my DNS
$ORIGIN voipp.tele.pw.edu.pl IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "E2U+sip"
and invoke the enum_query() - without any parameters
but the result of the query was negative.
What did I miss?
Thanks in advance
On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 16:05 +0100, tzieleniewski
I was trying to utilize the enum module of ser but whenever I try to do the check for the
user part of the request uri I get the following error:
ser@sen:~/ser/ser-cvs/proxy$ ./ser -c -f ser.cfg
0(5401) parse error (721,14-15): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
I have the enum module loaded and the line for this happens is:
if (is_user_from_e164()) {
I also tried is_e164() which I found in the module header file but with the same result.
New version uses the is_e164 name, but expects one parameter - that's
the 1 just behind the function name (and it is the uri).
So you should use e.g. is_e164("@ruri") or is_e164("$avp")
it this is not going to work how can I make the
check by hand?
for instance having such uri
will somthing like this work:
uri=~ "sip:+[0-9]{7}@.*"
Yes, it should work too.
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