the plan is to start packaging of v3.2.1 after 14:00GMT. If anyone has anything elst to commit to branch 3.2 to be in v3.2.1, please do it before, afterwards write me an email first to synchronize and avoid git conflicts.
Cheers, Daniel
Quick note so that everyone knows that I am starting the process to release v3.2.1. Please sync with me via email/irc if you have to commit something on git branch 3.2 before the announcement with the release is done.
Thanks, Daniel
On 12/1/11 9:28 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
the plan is to start packaging of v3.2.1 after 14:00GMT. If anyone has anything elst to commit to branch 3.2 to be in v3.2.1, please do it before, afterwards write me an email first to synchronize and avoid git conflicts.
Cheers, Daniel