please use the mailing list.
define command{ command_name check_register # sipsak as on CVS! command_line /usr/local/bin/sipsak -N -d -n -U -s sip:$ARG1$@$HOSTADDRESS$ -a $ARG2$ -C sip:dontcallmeback@ }
At 01:12 PM 6/3/2004, Paul Wasik wrote:
Hi Jiri,
I've been trying to get Sipsak to run with Nagios to monitor a few SER proxies. I'm using Sipsak 0.8.9 and I have it working on my Red Hat linux server. Nagios is also installed and running. I can run Sipsak from the command shell just fine. Other Nagios checks are working. But when I try to run Sipsak as a service check within Nagios, it always fails with a 127 error code. Can you possibly give me some clues as to how you set this up on your Nagios machine or show me what strings you added to your Nagios config files such as "command.cfg", "checkcommands.cfg", and "services.cfg" ?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jiri Kuthan" To: "Tomas Björklund"; Cc: "Nils Ohlmeier" Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 10:38 AM Subject: Re: [Serusers] Monitoring tool
we usa nagios with sipsak on linux. I don't know how sipsak is doing on solaris. (sipsak author cc-ed). We register only. cancelling when a 200 comes back does not work, that's too late already.
At 04:14 PM 6/2/2004, Tomas Björklund wrote:
Hi all,
What software do you use for making sure that your sipserver(s) are online and working?
I'm on the lookout for something that I can use with Nagios (ie anything that I can run from a shellprompt).
I have tried sipsak but it's not working on solaris (some strange bind/socket operations that breaks the program)
I would like the same feature as sipsak has,
- Register account
- Call account
- Check for invite
Doing an external call to a free number would also be nice, just wait for the 200 OK and then cancel the call.
Best regards,
Thomas Björklund
Serusers mailing list
-- Jiri Kuthan
Serusers mailing list
-- Jiri Kuthan