According to the logs ser even did not try to contact the radius server,
beucase there are no digest credentials in the message. When a UA gets
401 Unauthorized it should resend the same request with digest
credentials. This did not happen, according to the logs.
On 31-03 09:28, Morris, Scott wrote:
So it would then be a radiusclient problem? We
checked the radius server,
and the logs don't show that the SER server is communicating at all with it.
Scott Morris
Enterprise Network Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Jan Janak' []
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:25 AM
To: Morris, Scott
Cc: serusers(a)
Subject: Re: [Serusers] radius issue
It does not show anything wrong. SER gets a REGISTER message and because
there are no digest credentials it sends 401.
On 30-03 16:33, Morris, Scott wrote:
Message Dump - See below
Scott Morris
Enterprise Network Engineer
[root@comm01 ser]# ser restart
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: usrloc matches module usrloc
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_mode> in module usrloc
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: rr matches module rr
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: auth_radius matches module auth_radius
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: found <radius_config> in module
auth_radius [/usr/lib/ser/modules/]
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: auth_radius matches module auth_radius
0(9050) set_mod_param_regex: found <service_type> in module
auth_radius [/usr/lib/ser/modules/]
0(9050) find_export: found <mf_process_maxfwd_header> in module
maxfwd_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/]
0(9050) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(9050) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(9050) find_export: found <record_route> in module rr
0(9050) find_export: found <loose_route> in module rr
0(9050) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
0(9050) find_export: found <radius_www_authorize> in module
auth_radius [/usr/lib/ser/modules/]
0(9050) find_export: found <www_challenge> in module auth
0(9050) find_export: found <save> in module registrar
0(9050) find_export: found <lookup> in module registrar
0(9050) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(9050) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
0(9050) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module
0(9050) routing table 0:
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb544ac10> 0(9050) , "10" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544ac10> 0(9050) , "10" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) )
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "483"
0(9050) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0>
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if (
0(9050) UNKNOWN 0(9050)
<UNKNOWN> 0(9050) 65535 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "513" 0(9050) , "Message too big"
0(9050) );
0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544fa00> 0(9050) );
if ( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) );
) { 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) uri 0(9050) == 0(9050) _myself_ 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
( 0(9050) method 0(9050) == 0(9050)
"REGISTER" 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) if (
0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5428e50>
0(9050) , "" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , "" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) )
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb542f500> 0(9050) ,
"" 0(9050) , "0" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050)
type<0> 0(9050)
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54358b0> 0(9050) , "location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050)
type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT(
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) ,
"location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) )
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "404"
0(9050) , "Not Found" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050)
0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if (
0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600>
0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600>
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if (
0(9050) UNKNOWN 0(9050) <UNKNOWN> 0(9050) 65535 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "513" 0(9050)
"Message too big" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) );
0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb544fa00> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) {
0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0>
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if (
0(9050) uri 0(9050) ==
_myself_ 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) method
0(9050) == 0(9050)
"REGISTER" 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , ""
); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) ,
"" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb542f500> 0(9050) ,
"" 0(9050) , "0" 0(9050) );
0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54358b0> 0(9050) ,
"location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) ,
"location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "404" 0(9050) , "Not Found" 0(9050)
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) )
0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else
0(9050) }; 0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544fa00>
); 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544de40>
0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb544de40>
); 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600>
0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else {
0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) uri 0(9050) == 0(9050) _myself_ 0(9050) )
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) method 0(9050) == 0(9050)
"REGISTER" 0(9050) ) {
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , "" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , ""
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb542f500> 0(9050) , "" 0(9050) , "0" 0(9050) );
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54358b0> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050)
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "404" 0(9050) , "Not Found" 0(9050)
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) )
0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else
> 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
> f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb544de40> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) {
0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0>
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if (
0(9050) uri 0(9050) ==
_myself_ 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) method
0(9050) == 0(9050)
"REGISTER" 0(9050) ) { 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , ""
); 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) ,
"" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb542f500> 0(9050) ,
"" 0(9050) , "0" 0(9050) );
0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54358b0> 0(9050) ,
"location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) ,
"location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "404" 0(9050) , "Not Found" 0(9050)
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) )
0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else
0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) uri 0(9050) ==
0(9050) _myself_ 0(9050) )
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) method 0(9050) == 0(9050)
"REGISTER" 0(9050) ) {
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , "" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5428e50> 0(9050) , ""
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb542f500> 0(9050) , "" 0(9050) , "0" 0(9050) );
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54358b0> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050)
); 0(9050) } else { 0(9050) };
0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location" 0(9050) ); 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb5434a40> 0(9050) , "location"
); 0(9050) ) 0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050)
f_ptr<0xb54897b0> 0(9050) , "404" 0(9050) , "Not Found" 0(9050)
drop( 0(9050) type<0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) }
else { 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050)
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) )
0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else
> 0(9050) }; 0(9050) if ( 0(9050) NOT( 0(9050) external_module_call(
0(9050) f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) );
0(9050) external_module_call(
f_ptr<0xb546a600> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) )
0(9050) ) { 0(9050)
external_module_call( 0(9050) f_ptr<0xb54897f0> 0(9050) ); 0(9050) } else
0(9050) }; 0(9050)
Listening on []:5060 []:5060
Aliases: localhost:5060 localhost.localdomain:5060
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: sl_module
stateless - initializing
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (sl_stats) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: tm
0(9052) TM - initializing...
0(9052) Call-ID initialization: '4fff2ca9'
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_uac_dlg) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_hash) registered
[root@comm01 ser]# 0(9052) DEBUG: lock_initialize: lock initialization
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_stats) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: 533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed
0(9052) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: a6a1c5f60faecf035a1ae5b6e96e979a
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: rr
0(9052) rr - initializing
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: maxfwd_module
Maxfwd module- initializing
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: usrloc
0(9052) usrloc - initializing
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_stats) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm_contact) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_dump) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_flush) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_add) registered
0(9052) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_show_contact)
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: registrar
0(9052) registrar - initializing
0(9052) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_bind_usrloc> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_register_udomain> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_get_all_ucontacts> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_insert_urecord> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_delete_urecord> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_get_urecord> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_lock_udomain> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_unlock_udomain> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_release_urecord> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_insert_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_delete_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_get_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(9052) find_export: found <ul_update_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: auth
0(9052) auth module - initializing
0(9052) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(9052) DEBUG: init_mod: auth_radius
0(9052) auth_radius - Initializing
0(9052) find_export: found <pre_auth> in module auth
0(9052) find_export: found <post_auth> in module auth
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ mf_process_maxfwd_header
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ record_route
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ loose_route
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ t_relay
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ radius_www_authorize
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ www_challenge
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ save
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ lookup
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ t_relay
0(0) fixing /usr/lib/ser/modules/ sl_reply_error
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=131070,verify=262140
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262140
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262140,verify=262142
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142
0(0) ERROR: tcp_init: bind(4, 0x80be120, 16) on Address
in use
0(0) INFO: signal 15 received
0(0) Memory status (pkg):
0(0) fm_status (0x80bf5e0):
0(0) heap size= 1047440
0(0) dumping free list:
0(0) hash = 1 fragments no.: 3,
bucket size: 8 - 8 (first 8)
0(0) hash = 23 fragments no.: 1,
bucket size: 184 - 184 (first 184)
0(0) hash = 80 fragments no.: 1,
bucket size: 640 - 640 (first 640)
0(0) hash = 265 fragments no.: 1,
bucket size: 524288 - 1048576 (first 1042696)
0(0) TOTAL: 6 free fragments = 1043544 free bytes
0(0) -----------------------------
6(9033) SIP Request:
6(9033) method: <REGISTER>
6(9033) uri: <>
6(9033) version: <SIP/2.0>
6(9033) parse_headers: flags=1
6(9033) end of header reached, state=5
6(9033) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
6(9033) parse_headers: this is the first via
6(9033) After parse_msg...
6(9033) preparing to run routing scripts...
6(9033) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards header
6(9033) parse_headers: flags=128
6(9033) end of header reached, state=9
6(9033) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [24]; uri=[]
6(9033) DEBUG: to body [<>
6(9033) get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <1> <REGISTER>
6(9033) DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
6(9033) found end of header
6(9033) DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
6(9033) DEBUG: add_param: tag=1ee64889-d819-44da-a3fe-1be0c929195e
6(9033) end of header reached, state=29
6(9033) parse_headers: flags=256
6(9033) find_first_route(): No Route headers found
6(9033) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
6(9033) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] ==
6(9033) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
6(9033) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && [] ==
6(9033) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
6(9033) parse_headers: flags=4096
6(9033) pre_auth(): Credentials with given realm not found
6(9033) build_auth_hf(): 'WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="",
6(9033) parse_headers: flags=-1
6(9033) check_via_address(,, 0)
6(9033) receive_msg: cleaning up
8(9035) SIP Request:
8(9035) method: <SUBSCRIBE>
8(9035) uri: <>
8(9035) version: <SIP/2.0>
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=1
8(9035) end of header reached, state=5
8(9035) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
8(9035) parse_headers: this is the first via
8(9035) After parse_msg...
8(9035) preparing to run routing scripts...
8(9035) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards header
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=128
8(9035) end of header reached, state=9
8(9035) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [21]; uri=[]
7(9034) 8(9035) DEBUG: to body [<>
SIP Request:
8(9035) 7(9034) get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <1> <SUBSCRIBE>
method: <SUBSCRIBE>
8(9035) 7(9034) DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
uri: <>
8(9035) found end of header
7(9034) 8(9035) DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
version: <SIP/2.0>
8(9035) DEBUG: add_param: tag=818e6bae-eeb7-4320-991b-1da176371e3b
8(9035) 7(9034) end of header reached, state=29
parse_headers: flags=1
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=256
8(9035) find_first_route(): No Route headers found
8(9035) 7(9034) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
end of header reached, state=5
8(9035) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] ==
8(9035) 7(9034) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
8(9035) 7(9034) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && []
parse_headers: this is the first via
8(9035) 7(9034) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
After parse_msg...
8(9035) lookup(): 'coxt' Not found in usrloc
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=-1
7(9034) 8(9035) preparing to run routing scripts...
check_via_address(,, 0)
7(9034) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards header
7(9034) parse_headers: flags=128
8(9035) receive_msg: cleaning up
7(9034) end of header reached, state=9
7(9034) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [21]; uri=[]
7(9034) DEBUG: to body [<>
7(9034) get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <2> <SUBSCRIBE>
7(9034) DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
7(9034) found end of header
7(9034) DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
7(9034) DEBUG: add_param: tag=818e6bae-eeb7-4320-991b-1da176371e3b
7(9034) end of header reached, state=29
7(9034) parse_headers: flags=256
7(9034) find_first_route(): No Route headers found
7(9034) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
7(9034) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] ==
7(9034) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
7(9034) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && [] ==
7(9034) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
7(9034) lookup(): 'coxt' Not found in usrloc
7(9034) parse_headers: flags=-1
7(9034) check_via_address(,, 0)
7(9034) receive_msg: cleaning up
8(9035) SIP Request:
8(9035) method: <REGISTER>
8(9035) uri: <>
8(9035) version: <SIP/2.0>
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=1
8(9035) end of header reached, state=5
8(9035) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
8(9035) parse_headers: this is the first via
8(9035) After parse_msg...
8(9035) preparing to run routing scripts...
8(9035) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards header
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=128
8(9035) end of header reached, state=9
8(9035) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [24]; uri=[]
8(9035) DEBUG: to body [<>
8(9035) get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <1> <REGISTER>
8(9035) DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
8(9035) found end of header
8(9035) DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
8(9035) DEBUG: add_param: tag=1ebe80cd-4dc0-461a-b8f7-95706727a94f
8(9035) end of header reached, state=29
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=256
8(9035) find_first_route(): No Route headers found
8(9035) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
8(9035) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] ==
8(9035) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
8(9035) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && [] ==
8(9035) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=4096
8(9035) pre_auth(): Credentials with given realm not found
8(9035) build_auth_hf(): 'WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="",
8(9035) parse_headers: flags=-1
8(9035) check_via_address(,, 0)
8(9035) receive_msg: cleaning up
7(9034) SIP Request:
7(9034) method: <SUBSCRIBE>
7(9034) uri: <>
7(9034) version: <SIP/2.0>
7(9034) parse_headers: flags=1
7(9034) end of header reached, state=5
7(9034) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
7(9034) parse_headers: this is the first via
7(9034) After parse_msg...
7(9034) preparing to run routing scripts...
5(9032) 7(9034) SIP Request:
5(9032) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards header
method: <SUBSCRIBE>
7(9034) 5(9032) uri: <>
parse_headers: flags=128
5(9032) 7(9034) version: <SIP/2.0>
5(9032) end of header reached, state=9
parse_headers: flags=1
7(9034) 5(9032) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [21]; uri=[]
end of header reached, state=5
7(9034) DEBUG: to body [<>
5(9032) 7(9034) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1
get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <1> <SUBSCRIBE>
5(9032) parse_headers: this is the first via
5(9032) 7(9034) After parse_msg...
DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
5(9032) preparing to run routing scripts...
7(9034) 5(9032) DEBUG : is_maxfwd_present: searching for max_forwards
found end of header
5(9032) 7(9034) parse_headers: flags=128
DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
5(9032) end of header reached, state=9
5(9032) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [21]; uri=[]
5(9032) DEBUG: to body [<>
7(9034) 5(9032) DEBUG: add_param:
get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <2>
7(9034) 5(9032) DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=0
end of header reached, state=29
5(9032) found end of header
7(9034) parse_headers: flags=256
5(9032) DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found!
7(9034) 5(9032) DEBUG: add_param:
find_first_route(): No Route headers found
5(9032) end of header reached, state=29
7(9034) 5(9032) parse_headers: flags=256
loose_route(): There is no Route HF
5(9032) 7(9034) find_first_route(): No Route headers found
5(9032) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
5(9032) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] ==
check_self - checking if host==us: 8==9 && [] == []
7(9034) 5(9032) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
7(9034) 5(9032) check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && []
5(9032) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
check_self - checking if host==us: 8==8 && [] == []
5(9032) lookup(): 'coxt' Not found in usrloc
7(9034) 5(9032) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
parse_headers: flags=-1
5(9032) check_via_address(,, 0)
7(9034) lookup(): 'coxt' Not found in usrloc
5(9032) 7(9034) receive_msg: cleaning up
parse_headers: flags=-1
7(9034) check_via_address(,, 0)
7(9034) receive_msg: cleaning up
[root@comm01 ser]#
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