Hello There is a RADIUS HOW TO somwhere in the website www.iptel.org http://www.iptel.org/ , you can authenticate SIP users via RADIUS, and do accounting also. About managing routes, maybe you can try LCR module, but it works only through a mysql local database, perhaps you can try do somethign with the AVP_RADIUS module...
Good Luck
-----Mensaje original----- De: Sait Karalar [mailto:saitkaralar@gmail.com] Enviado el: Sábado, 03 de Diciembre de 2005 8:59 Para: serusers@lists.iptel.org Asunto: [Serusers] SER + Radius
Hi list,
I am so new to list SER.
I just tried to
I want to authenticate SIP users via RADIUS and want accounting with radius. also if possible, ask route to radius also.
but I did not manage it ;(
any simple sample? I read documents etc. no good sample found.