I whole heartedly agree with comments on structure of typical of ser.cfg files and the difficulty of getting ones brain around the whole picture. Your best "practices is" suggestion a great idea.
Is it possible to provide a version of your restructured file such that customisation could be handled by a macro replacement process such as M4 perhaps even with "ifdefs"? e.g. ip addresse for sip, asterisk, ... domain names for myself ... asterisk extension numbers for voicemail... proxy / not proxy... etc
I do not want to appear negative to all the good people out there who are working their balls off for the good cause but another idea which would help people to use ser is for a combined document with a reference of all functions together in one place? i.e. not organised in separate by modules, as at present and a reference description rather than an explanatory document as per the Admin's Guide (and which does not cover all function I believe).
This would be so useful because as one came across a new function, it would be possible to find the answer by ones self. It might cut down the repetitive nature of some requests for help which I believe stem from the real difficulty in knowing where to find the answer ones self.
Cheers Chris
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Java Rockx Sent: 20 February 2005 00:23 To: Subject: Re: [Serusers] Warning: sl_send_reply: I won't send a reply for ACK!!
Since I just made very substantial changes to my ser.cfg I'd like to test my full feature set before sharing it. I'm going to put a new post on in a day or two seeking comments on establishing a "best practices" document for ser.cfg and in that post I'll attach my ser.cfg which perhaps could be used as a basis for beginning a dialog on this subject.
At a minimum I'd like to see a more complete and complex ser.cfg for which other can base their work.
The problem with this is that it would require take some feedback from the ser core team to ensure the "best practices" are correct and properly reflect the designers intent. The reason I think this could be a problem is that Andrei, Jiri, Jan, and company are more than busy already.
The bottom line is that as great as ser is, coding practices are mostly a mystry to developers seeking to install ser and when you get in to complex functionality such as call forwarding confusion stumps many users.
Regards, Paul
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 19:59:31 +0100 (CET), Medve Istvan wrote:
Perhaps I'll post my entire ser.cfg this week for anyone that wants it.
Please send it to me.
Thanks, imedve
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