I've configured my radius + mysql and openser. Now openser is sending accounting packet to radius server and I'm able to see accounting packets coming to my radius server but the problem is : Its sending the Acct-Status-Type = Start Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Ack packet twice
and then it shows rlm_radutmp: Login entry for NAS august port 5060 duplicate and then two stop packet: Acct-Status-Type = Stop Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Bye
and then it shows rlm_sql (sql) in sql_accounting: stop packet with zero session length
and after second stop packet it shows rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS august port 5060, but no Login record
please help.
You're on the wrong list. This is the ser list. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 27.12.'06, 18:38
I've configured my radius + mysql and openser. Now openser is sending accounting packet to radius server and I'm able to see accounting packets coming to my
radius server but the problem is : Its sending the
Acct-Status-Type = Start Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Ack
packet twice
and then it shows rlm_radutmp: Login entry for NAS august port 5060 duplicate and then two stop packet: Acct-Status-Type = Stop Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Bye
and then it shows rlm_sql (sql) in sql_accounting: stop packet with zero session length
and after second stop packet it shows rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS august port 5060, but no Login record
please help.
You mean there is some problem with radius server not with SER or you can give me some kind of clue.
On 12/28/06, Greger Viken Teigre greger@teigre.com wrote:
You're on the wrong list. This is the ser list. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 27.12.'06, 18:38
I've configured my radius + mysql and openser. Now openser is sending
accounting packet to radius server and I'm able to see accounting packets coming to my radius server but the problem is : Its sending the
Acct-Status-Type = Start Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Ack
packet twice
and then it shows rlm_radutmp: Login entry for NAS august port 5060 duplicate and then two stop packet: Acct-Status-Type = Stop Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Bye
and then it shows rlm_sql (sql) in sql_accounting: stop packet with zero session length
and after second stop packet it shows rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS august port 5060, but no Login record
please help.
I mean that as you use openser and not ser, you should ask your questions on the openser list. The implementations are starting to differ enough that answers for ser may not apply to openser. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 28.12.'06, 13:24
You mean there is some problem with radius server not with SER or you can give me some kind of clue.
On 12/28/06, Greger Viken Teigre greger@teigre.com wrote: You're on the wrong list. This is the ser list. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 27.12.'06, 18:38
I've configured my radius + mysql and openser. Now openser is sending accounting packet to radius server and I'm able to see accounting packets coming to my
radius server but the problem is : Its sending the
Acct-Status-Type = Start Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Ack
packet twice
and then it shows rlm_radutmp: Login entry for NAS august port 5060 duplicate and then two stop packet: Acct-Status-Type = Stop Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Bye
and then it shows rlm_sql (sql) in sql_accounting: stop packet with zero session length
and after second stop packet it shows rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS august port 5060, but no Login record
please help.
I tried same setup with ser and openser both but I'm getting same problem with both.
On 12/28/06, Greger Viken Teigre greger@teigre.com wrote:
I mean that as you use openser and not ser, you should ask your questions on the openser list. The implementations are starting to differ enough that answers for ser may not apply to openser. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 28.12.'06, 13:24
You mean there is some problem with radius server not with SER or you
can give me some kind of clue.
On 12/28/06, Greger Viken Teigre greger@teigre.com wrote: You're on the wrong list. This is the ser list. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 27.12.'06, 18:38
I've configured my radius + mysql and openser. Now openser is sending
accounting packet to radius server and I'm able to see accounting packets coming to my
radius server but the problem is : Its sending the
Acct-Status-Type = Start Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Ack
packet twice
and then it shows rlm_radutmp: Login entry for NAS august port 5060 duplicate and then two stop packet: Acct-Status-Type = Stop Service-Type = Sip-Session Sip-Response-Code = 200 Sip-Method = Bye
and then it shows rlm_sql (sql) in sql_accounting: stop packet with zero session length
and after second stop packet it shows rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS august port 5060, but no Login record
please help.