I get Process Request Timedout ever whenever i try to register with SER. I get following messages on starting ser.
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 221184 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=221184,verify=221184 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 223232 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=223232,verify=221184 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 221184 0(0) DBG: open_uac_fifo: opening fifo... 0(0) DEBUG: FIFO created @ /tmp/ser_fifo 0(0) DEBUG: fifo /tmp/ser_fifo opened, mode=432 0(0) init_unixsock_socket: No unix domain socket will be opened 1(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tm 1(0) DEBUG: callid: '3fbfd771-0@' 1(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): usrloc 1(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 2(0) INFO: fifo process starting: 10317 2(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): tm 2(0) DEBUG: callid: '3fbfd771-0@' 2(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): usrloc 2(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 0(10313) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): tm 0(10313) DEBUG: callid: '3fbfd771-10313@' 0(10313) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): usrloc 0(10313) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 1(10316) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): auth_db 1(10316) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 0(10313) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): auth_db 0(10313) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 1(10316) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): domain 1(10316) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): nathelper 1(10316) rtpp_test: RTP proxy found, support for it enabled 0(10313) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): domain 0(10313) get_connection(): Connection found in the pool 0(10313) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): nathelper 0(10313) rtpp_test: RTP proxy found, support for it enabled 2(10317) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): auth_db 2(10317) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 2(10317) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): domain 2(10317) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): nathelper 2(10317) rtpp_test: RTP proxy found, support for it enabled 2(10317) SER: open_uac_fifo: fifo server up at /tmp/ser_fifo... 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (print) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (uptime) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (version) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (pwd) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (arg) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (which) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ps) registered 2(10317) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (kill) registered 2(10317) WARNING: no fifo_db_url given - fifo DB commands disabled!
Can anyone please have a look at above information and let me know what is wrong with ser?
Thanks Rajesh
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On Nov 02, 2005 at 21:25, rajesh volluru rajesh_mid@yahoo.co.in wrote:
I get Process Request Timedout ever whenever i try to register with SER. I get following messages on starting ser.
ser starts ok. A network dump and the config will help (and also the log during the register attempt).