I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); };
if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; };
xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
if you use : if (method=="CANCEL") { ...... }; ?
On Monday 31 May 2004 11:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote: I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; }; xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
- --
Regards, Kamen Sharlandjiev System Administrator NetBG Communication Tel: +359 2 962 43 52 +359 2 962 53 93 - -- Public GPG key at: http://pgp.mit.edu pub 1024D/C6347D3D 2003-03-19 Kamen Sharlandjiev (Comment) stone@netbg.com Key fingerprint = D6AA 55BD F0CB FC6B 8C22 A13B 91D1 55C3 C634 7D3D
But can this be used for failure_routing? Adrian's config file uses failure_routing and i dont think 'if (method == "CANCEL")' works with failure routing. I am also facing similer issue with serial forking. When i hangup the call, only the first call gets cancelled, and when it hits the timeout, the control passes to the next route and dials the extension. I have seen a post by Jan telling about this, but still has the problem: http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serdev/2004-April/001744.html
The extensions for forking are taken from MySQL tables, using a module. This is what i try to do:
if (method == "INVITE") { if (uri =~ ".....) {
--- Kamen Sharlandjiev stone@netbg.com wrote:
Hash: SHA1
if you use : if (method=="CANCEL") { ...... }; ?
On Monday 31 May 2004 11:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote: I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; }; xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Regards, Kamen Sharlandjiev System Administrator NetBG Communication Tel: +359 2 962 43 52 +359 2 962 53 93
Public GPG key at: http://pgp.mit.edu pub 1024D/C6347D3D 2003-03-19 Kamen Sharlandjiev (Comment) stone@netbg.com Key fingerprint = D6AA 55BD F0CB FC6B 8C22 A13B 91D1 55C3 C634 7D3D
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
iD8DBQFAuvkQkdFVw8Y0fT0RAtpqAJ41Vyiq+ZLluf8/isoUlBjPYIgwtwCfV9yW DK5XN6II3yHbkDAdCSW3DPs= =bKMu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. http://messenger.yahoo.com/
Replying to my own post, That is incomplete, i accidently clicked on the send button, my apologies...
But can this be used for failure_routing? Adrian's config file uses failure_routing and i dont think 'if (method == "CANCEL")' works with failure routing. I am also facing similer issue with serial forking. When i hangup the call, only the first call gets cancelled, and when it hits the timeout, the control passes to the next route and dials the extension. I have seen a post by Jan telling about this, but still has the problem: http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serdev/2004-April/001744.html
The extensions for forking are taken from MySQL tables, using a module. This is what i try to do:
if (method == "INVITE") { if (uri =~ ".....) { if (get_extension ("1"){ t_on_failure ("2"); t_relay(); break; } else { drop(); break; } } }
route[2]{ if (method == "INVITE"){ if (get_extension("2"){ t_relay(); break; } } }
failure_route[2]{ route(2); break; }
Can anyone tell the right method?
--- Kamen Sharlandjiev stone@netbg.com wrote:
Hash: SHA1
if you use : if (method=="CANCEL") { ...... }; ?
On Monday 31 May 2004 11:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote: I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; }; xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. http://messenger.yahoo.com/
If I understand you description correctly, then t_check_status would for you as well, if 487 is found then you simply stop serial forking.
On 31-05 08:10, GR S wrote:
Replying to my own post, That is incomplete, i accidently clicked on the send button, my apologies...
But can this be used for failure_routing? Adrian's config file uses failure_routing and i dont think 'if (method == "CANCEL")' works with failure routing. I am also facing similer issue with serial forking. When i hangup the call, only the first call gets cancelled, and when it hits the timeout, the control passes to the next route and dials the extension. I have seen a post by Jan telling about this, but still has the problem: http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serdev/2004-April/001744.html
The extensions for forking are taken from MySQL tables, using a module. This is what i try to do:
if (method == "INVITE") { if (uri =~ ".....) { if (get_extension ("1"){ t_on_failure ("2"); t_relay(); break; } else { drop(); break; } } }
route[2]{ if (method == "INVITE"){ if (get_extension("2"){ t_relay(); break; } } }
failure_route[2]{ route(2); break; }
Can anyone tell the right method?
--- Kamen Sharlandjiev stone@netbg.com wrote:
Hash: SHA1
if you use : if (method=="CANCEL") { ...... }; ?
On Monday 31 May 2004 11:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote: I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; }; xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. http://messenger.yahoo.com/
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
You can use t_check_status (tm module) to check for 487 Request Terminated and terminate the failure_route section then. (The function is probably not in source tarballs, but is is in the stable branch of the CVS).
On 31-05 10:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote:
I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; }; xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Yes, this worked:
failure_route[3] { if (t_check_status("408")) { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); break; }; }
Thanks Jan
On Jun 3, 2004, at 1:48 AM, Jan Janak wrote:
You can use t_check_status (tm module) to check for 487 Request Terminated and terminate the failure_route section then. (The function is probably not in source tarballs, but is is in the stable branch of the CVS).
On 31-05 10:47, Adrian Georgescu wrote:
I have a problem with redirection to voice mail. If caller hangs up, the CANCEL hits SER and the call is cleanly terminated. SER however continues to failure_route after timeout of the initial INVITE which results in an empty message generated by the voice mail server.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Thanks, Adrian
if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) { setflag(3); }; if (!lookup("location")) { xlog ("L_INFO","Location not found"); } else { if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(3)) { xlog ("L_INFO","Flag3 is set, try voicemail after
timeout"); t_on_failure("3"); }; };
xlog ("L_INFO","Relay to destination"); xlog ("L_INFO", "%rm from %is: %fu -> %ru\n");
failure_route[3] { revert_uri(); xlog ("L_INFO","Forward to voicemail (failure route 3)"); exec_dset("/etc/ser/serredir.py voip_voicemail ;echo>/dev/null"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers