Hi, I am a french student and i've tried to install ser on a Solaris 8. The problem comes with the MySQL server installation ( i've downloaded binary 4.0.17 distribution, so no compilation). When i start ser after having modified the ser.cfg file there is a problem with libmysqlclient.so.10 which cannot be found. I've tried to find this library but the only one available is libmysqlclient.a .
Maybe, i should try a source distribution or i forgot executing a script although i followed the installation process.
Another question is about PSTN gateway, i am looking forward this kind of product the more sip-compliant and open as possible (contrary to mediatrix solutions). What do you think about Asterisk and Digium card or if you have any proposition...
Please help me .... Sorry for my terrible english,
PS: french people can contact me directly to share about sip.
i had the same prob with the mysql binary distri for i386 linux.
I just downloaded and compiled the according source which builds the required shared libs and installed them.
-- Arnd
Now, i have only libmysqlclient.so.12 qnd i don't know how to modify the requested libmysqlclient.so.10... How can i proceed ?? -the mysql version is 4.0.17-
Firstly, i renamed libmysqlclient.so.12 in libmysqlclient.so.10, in this way the " bad config file" no longer appeared but i couldn't register (although users were in the subscriber table and passwd, usernames and realm were right) ... I don't thnk that this "rename method" is quite relevant...
I've heard about "ld problems" with Solaris and i'm not a Solaris-expert, if someone who has had installed ser with mysql support on a solaris 8 could help me, it would be great...
thx Laurent
Arnd Vehling wrote:
i had the same prob with the mysql binary distri for i386 linux.
I just downloaded and compiled the according source which builds the required shared libs and installed them.
-- Arnd
Laurent BURGY wrote:
Now, i have only libmysqlclient.so.12 qnd i don't know how to modify the requested libmysqlclient.so.10... How can i proceed ?? -the mysql version is 4.0.17-
i installed mysql-standard-4.0.17-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz on debian stable using (a somewhat old) gcc 2.95.4. This produced the neccessary libmysqlclient.so.10 lib. I have to admit i am not 100% sure how a so.10 and so.12 lib may differ.
Firstly, i renamed libmysqlclient.so.12 in libmysqlclient.so.10, in this way the " bad config file" no longer appeared but i couldn't register (although users were in the subscriber table and passwd, usernames and realm were right) ... I don't thnk that this "rename method" is quite relevant...
I suggest you do 2 things:
- set debug level in ser.cfg to 9 (debug=9) - install etherreal and do a full trace of all sip messages We need to know whats in the SDP messages.
If there is a problem accessing the database ser should log this into syslog.
I've heard about "ld problems" with Solaris and i'm not a Solaris-expert, if someone who has had installed ser with mysql support on a solaris 8 could help me, it would be great...
Ive installed several other open-source software packages on solaris. The only problem is telling the linker where to find non-standard libs if they are not in the default lib path.
Either symlink all non standard libs to /usr/lib or set the correct path in "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" before starting ser.
-- Arnd