the TM module introduces two new features: - access to SIP request attributes while processing a reply belonging to same transaction - access to SIP reply attributes while processing a request belonging to same transaction
Functionalities come as pseudo-variables, $T_req(pv) and $T_rpl(pv) - where pv can be any pseudo-variable, check documents at: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/pseudovariables:devel#tm_module_ps...
The new pseudo-variables can be used: - in failure_route to get the attributes of the reply causing the failure route. You can take decisions what to do with the request based on reply details - in onreply_route to get the attributes of the request. you can take decision what to do with the reply based on request attributes. - in acc to store data from reply - in C code (modules)
Note that couple of PV are disabled for these cases (PV will return null) - these are the PV that alter/depend on the context of the processed message, like $Ts, $Tf (but you can use $TS and $TF), $time, destination set attributes. The $avp() will be current avps, as they are stored in a global list. Also, in case there is a timeout or other reply generated by kamailio itself, $T_rpl(pv) will return null as there is no real reply structure behind.
Example, print the source ip of the reply in failure route:
failure_route[1] { xlog("reply received from: $T_rpl($si)\n"); }
Cheers, Daniel