Hi i have a short question about the compilation of ser, i want to complie with DSTATE option , normaly i run: make modules make install prefix ="...." How can i declare the DSTATE option during the installation, I take a look in the makefile.defs where I found this flag and remove the comment in front of DSTATE. But it doesn't work .
Thanks in advance
On May 06, 2004 at 11:15, Quenton Quenton_help@gmx.de wrote:
Hi i have a short question about the compilation of ser, i want to complie with DSTATE option ,
You mean -DSTATS (there is no -DSTATE in standard ser).
normaly i run: make modules make install prefix ="...." How can i declare the DSTATE option during the installation, I take a look in the makefile.defs where I found this flag and remove the comment in front of DSTATE. But it doesn't work .
Make sure there is no commentet out defs before it.
E.g.: ... -DF_MALLOC \ # -DDBG_F_MALLOC \ -DSTATS won't work, move -DSTATS:
You could also not modify Makefile.defs and always include extra_defs=-D in every make command:
make proper make all extra_defs=-DSTATS make install extra_defs=-DSTATS
(though you won't really need it for make install since this is only a compile time option)
Note also that I don't think anybody compiled with this option in a long while.