i am pleased to announce, that OpenSER has been approved as a part of Fedora distribution.
openser-1.3.0 is ready in fedora-7-testing and fedora-8-testing repository. It will be moved to stable after aprox. a week.
If you have openser < 1.3.0 installed on your fedora or EPEL, please turn off your automatic updates or update it manually before the final release. Follow these steps to update:
read upgrading guide at: http://openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:1.2.2-to-1.3.0 run this command: yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update 'openser*' check your configuration files and just then restart openser
PS: I am not a member of this mailinglist. If you wish to reply, please send email directly to me.