Hi all!
I make failover scheme with two kamailio+carp. Kamailio use dialogs for accounting.
Solved tasks: K. as registrar (mysql DB, shared with asterisk) auth/accounting via radius usrloc DB in mysql.
Need to solve: dialogs. Today if K1 server down, K2 take sip requests. New calls(dialogs) work perfectly, but if dialog created by K1, K2 had nothing about start and cant complete accounting.
Of cause, on K2 i may load dialogs from DB. I think on timer or on event from carp. But may be exist better solutions.
-- WBR, Victor JID: coyote@bks.tv JID: coyote@bryansktel.ru I use FREE operation system: 3.10.4-calculate GNU/Linux
Hi, Daniel-Constantin!
I think need shared dialogs database. I see three way's to do this: - use database and write function dialog_read_db() for reading dialogs from DB. Master will write dialogs in DB, someway DB replicate to slave, slave will use dialog_read_db() for sync dialogs with master. - use htable and write replication mechanism htable(master)->htable(slave) this promise be faster than prevous, but require implement replication. by the way, htable replication may be useful not for dialogs only. - use memcached. need declared memcached "clustering" (see "At the moment only one server is supported." in doc) and read_from_memcache() to memory (for dialogs but maybe not only) memcached will faster than any DB, I think.
Which way your advise?
-- WBR, Victor JID: coyote@bks.tv JID: coyote@bryansktel.ru I use FREE operation system: 3.10.10-calculate GNU/Linux
Just to brainstorm - instead of synching via DB can we sync using SIP?
10 sep 2013 kl. 15:11 skrev "Victor V. Kustov" coyote@bks.tv:
Hi, Daniel-Constantin!
I think need shared dialogs database. I see three way's to do this:
- use database and write function dialog_read_db() for reading dialogs
from DB. Master will write dialogs in DB, someway DB replicate to slave, slave will use dialog_read_db() for sync dialogs with master.
- use htable and write replication mechanism htable(master)->htable(slave)
this promise be faster than prevous, but require implement replication. by the way, htable replication may be useful not for dialogs only.
- use memcached. need declared memcached "clustering" (see "At the
moment only one server is supported." in doc) and read_from_memcache() to memory (for dialogs but maybe not only) memcached will faster than any DB, I think.
Which way your advise?
-- WBR, Victor JID: coyote@bks.tv JID: coyote@bryansktel.ru I use FREE operation system: 3.10.10-calculate GNU/Linux
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
--- * Olle E Johansson - oej@edvina.net * Cell phone +46 70 593 68 51, Office +46 8 96 40 20, Sweden
Hi, Olle E. Johansson!
Just to brainstorm - instead of synching via DB can we sync using SIP?
i think about common solution. but in this case of dialogs it will be useful. but how i may create dialog via sip but without call?
-- WBR, Victor JID: coyote@bks.tv JID: coyote@bryansktel.ru I use FREE operation system: 3.10.10-calculate GNU/Linux