Hello friends,
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
We are experimenting with asterisk, works fine but misses radius accounting.
We tried to do accounting on ser side but this does not correctly handle calls status, example:
a call is routed from ser to asterisk, and from asterisk to the pstn.
Invite and bye are recorded by ser in radius but if call is answered or not it does not make any difference, just an invite and a bye are logged.
I'm I missing something or maybe the only way to go is "gw accounting" and "big money Cisco equipment" ?
Please help, if you can ! :)
If a call is not answered, there shouldn't be an INVITE log as the INVITE transaction was not completed (200 OK missing). If the UA cancels the call by a CANCEL, there shouldn't be any CDR record at all. If the UA cancels by sending a BYE (like Messenger), then there will be a BYE CDR record, but no INVITE, so this shouldn't do any harm.
Alessio Focardi wrote:
Hello friends,
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
We are experimenting with asterisk, works fine but misses radius accounting.
We tried to do accounting on ser side but this does not correctly handle calls status, example:
a call is routed from ser to asterisk, and from asterisk to the pstn.
Invite and bye are recorded by ser in radius but if call is answered or not it does not make any difference, just an invite and a bye are logged.
I'm I missing something or maybe the only way to go is "gw accounting" and "big money Cisco equipment" ?
Please help, if you can ! :)
Alessio Focardi wrote:
Hello friends,
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
We are experimenting with asterisk, works fine but misses radius accounting.
We tried to do accounting on ser side but this does not correctly handle calls status, example:
a call is routed from ser to asterisk, and from asterisk to the pstn.
The safest place to record CDRs is at the Gateway. Use Asterisk to record them to a database and you're done.
Invite and bye are recorded by ser in radius but if call is answered or not it does not make any difference, just an invite and a bye are logged.
I'm I missing something or maybe the only way to go is "gw accounting" and "big money Cisco equipment" ?
Please help, if you can ! :)
At 6:58 PM +0200 on 4/1/04, Alessio Focardi wrote:
Hello friends,
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
We are experimenting with asterisk, works fine but misses radius accounting.
We tried to do accounting on ser side but this does not correctly handle calls status, example:
a call is routed from ser to asterisk, and from asterisk to the pstn.
Invite and bye are recorded by ser in radius but if call is answered or not it does not make any difference, just an invite and a bye are logged.
I'm I missing something or maybe the only way to go is "gw accounting" and "big money Cisco equipment" ?
Please help, if you can ! :)
-- Best regards, Alessio mailto:afoc@interconnessioni.it
Alessio - Search the asterisk-users archives and look on bugs.digium.com - there was a Radius application submitted around a month ago which may help you.
Please move this discussion to the asterisk-users list if you decide to follow up with more questions, as it is not directly related to SER.
Alessio Focardi wrote:
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
cisco AS5300.
We are experimenting with asterisk, works fine but misses radius accounting.
No prob with a cisco.
We tried to do accounting on ser side but this does not correctly handle calls status, example:
a call is routed from ser to asterisk, and from asterisk to the pstn.
I wouldnt rely my accounting on the SER/SIP database without checking the pstn calls against a pstn call log of some form.
Invite and bye are recorded by ser in radius but if call is answered or not it does not make any difference, just an invite and a bye are logged.
I'm I missing something or maybe the only way to go is "gw accounting" and "big money Cisco equipment" ?
No, u can account using asterkisk, as someone else already pointed out.
The fastet solution though is to use a cisco box. Refurbished/Used ones are not that expensive.
:: Arnd ::
At 12:41 PM 4/3/2004, Arnd Vehling wrote:
Alessio Focardi wrote:
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
Also, the SEMS-based isdngw begins to be used, it will go though lot of testing next week, if it is all ok, we will post a notification to the mailing list.
* Jiri Kuthan jiri@iptel.org [040403 16:47]:
At 12:41 PM 4/3/2004, Arnd Vehling wrote:
Alessio Focardi wrote:
question is simple and straight: what would you suggest as isdn pri telco gw for outside dialing from sip equipment ?
Also, the SEMS-based isdngw begins to be used, it will go though lot of testing next week, if it is all ok, we will post a notification to the mailing list.
As iv posted earlyer.. it works like a dream!... me loves sems..
- Atle
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers