I have a problem with auto-attendant. It accepts call immediately without playing my greeting message.
How this problem can be fixed?
My sip is
2009/6/28 IL'dar AKHmetgaleev
I have a problem with auto-attendant. It accepts call immediately without playing my greeting message.
How this problem can be fixed?
How is this question related to SER proxy?
На Sun, 28 Jun 2009 23:37:08 +0200 Iñaki Baz Castillo записано:
I have a problem with auto-attendant. It accepts call immediately without playing my greeting message.
How this problem can be fixed?
How is this question related to SER proxy?
Sorry if this is wrong ML. But confuses me when I am searching some user forum or mailing list. I really don't know what is SER proxy. But this is only one ML where present "user" word.
Anyway problem seems had magically disappeared.
Excuse me one more times.