Let me try asking my question another way. Is it possible to use avp_db_query() with UnixODBC? If so, how?
----- Original Message ---- From: Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt@1und1.de To: users@lists.openser.org Cc: Douglas Garstang dougmig33@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:15:09 AM Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] MySQL Alternative
On Thursday 17 January 2008, Douglas Garstang wrote:
What other options do I have for generic database connectivity
MySQL/avp_db_query() in OpenSER?
Can I use SQLite? Can I use unixodbc? (and I'm not talking about the limited built in usrloc unixodbc stuff)
Hi Douglas,
don't know what you mean with the builtin ODBC stuff in usrloc.. I assume that you talking about connectivity options for OpenSER.
Available database modules that can be used with most modules:
MySQL PostgreSQL UnixODBC (should work with Oracle, MS-SQL, SQLite and other) dbtext db_berkeley (Berkeley DB)
Interfaces roughly sorted in terms of maturity, stability.. Most people uses MySQL, so this is the best tested option.
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On Thursday 17 January 2008, Douglas Garstang wrote:
Let me try asking my question another way. Is it possible to use avp_db_query() with UnixODBC? If so, how?
Sure, why not? The unixodbc and postgresql driver implement the raw query capability, that is needed from this function.
Just setup the odbc driver, and access them with the unixodbc module, i.e. configure the avpops module to use this db URL. I have not that much experience with ODBC, but have setup a small test with sqlite in the past, this was not that much work.