Hi Community,
I'm doing very first steps to use kamailio as an S-CSCF.
Now I'm confused about some defines in the examples/scscf/scscf.cfg file.
#!define DB_URL "con1=>mysql://scscf:heslo@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/scscf" ##!define DB_URL2 "con2=>mysql://scscf:heslo@"
Tutorials/ims/Installation-howto tell me only I-CSCF needs a database, I do not find anything about database for S-CSCF.
However, when I comment out the defines
##!define DB_URL "con1=>mysql://scscf:heslo@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/scscf" ##!define DB_URL2 "con2=>mysql://scscf:heslo@"
then the kamctl start results in a segmentation fault.
I have installed kamailio-4.4.0 from RPMs.
Is there any hint about database for S-CSCF?
Thanks in advance Christoph
Thanks, I think, I detected the Problem myself now.
It's about using the kamailio S-CSCF as presence server and it's about the config files - examples/scscf/scscf.cfg - examples/scscf/kamailio.cfg
When I comment out the DB_URL/DB_URL2 Parameter in scscf.cfg, as follows # Connection URL for the database: ##!define DB_URL "con1=>mysql://scscf:heslo@" ##!define DB_URL2 "con2=>mysql://scscf:heslo@"
then I think, the following command in kamailio.cfg leads to a segmentation fault after kamctl start (this is an assumption) # -- presence params -- modparam("presence", "subs_remove_match", 1) #means we match subscriptions on all attributes
because the presence module has not been loaded, because DB_URL is NULL.
As a Workaround, I load the presence module always, not only when DB_URL is not NULL.
##!ifdef DB_URL loadmodule "presence" ##!endif
Any similar experiences?
All the best