I'm unable to get rid of the \n in "multiline" content of a var.
xlog("var: $var(sdp)"); $var(sdp)=$(var(sdp){re.subst,/^a=rtcp:.*//}); xlog("var: $var(sdp)");
a=sendrecv#015#012a=rtcp:31543#015#012a=X-foo:bar becomes: a=sendrecv#015#012#012a=X-foo:bar
Using the s flag results in no substitution at all, /^a=rtcp:.*//s should result in a=sendrecv#015#012 according to http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/4.3.x/transformations#resubst_express...
Is this a bug or a feature? If it is a feature, how to get rid of the newline (without additional regexps substitutions).