I have Asterisk and SER at the same computer with 2 different listening ports, the goal is to accomplish this scenario: - SER acts as a NAT transversal gateway with Mediaproxy - Asterisk acts as PBX, PSTN Gateway and Voicemail server
That means that ALL the authentications, PBX functions and switching are handled by Asterisk. I donât know how to do this, all I can do now is:
- Create users with DB authentication at SER, these users can successfully register and place calls to each other - At Asterisk, I added Autocreatepeer = yes (sip.conf) - The registered SER users can place PSTN calls through Asterisk
What Iâm confused about is: - How to do a double authentication at SER and Asterisk at the same time? I tried to create an extension at Asterisk with the same user name and password I used in SER and remove the Autocreatepeer = yes. It doesnât work - The reason I want to do this is to be able to use the PBX functions at Asterisk (call forward, transfer, .. etc.)
Any help is highly appreciated Regards.
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