I am facing the below error in my P-CSCF module as i am running P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, HSS in separate VMs.
0(3512) INFO: <core> [core/udp_server.c:206]: probe_max_receive_buffer(): SO_RCVBUF is finally 425984 0(3512) ERROR: <script>: event_route[htable:mod-init] { 1(3513) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2839]: send_rtpp_command(): can't send command "ping" to RTP proxy udp:localhost:9910 1(3513) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2740]: rtpp_test(): proxy did not respond to ping 1(3513) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2839]: send_rtpp_command(): can't send command "ping" to RTP proxy udp:localhost:9911 1(3513) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2740]: rtpp_test(): proxy did not respond to ping 68(3637) INFO: ctl [io_listener.c:214]: io_listen_loop(): io_listen_loop: using epoll_lt io watch method (config) 72(3644) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 73(3645) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 69(3641) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 75(3653) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 71(3643) INFO: jsonrpcs [jsonrpcs_sock.c:443]: jsonrpc_dgram_process(): a new child 0/3643 77(3655) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 76(3654) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 74(3652) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 79(3657) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing root@tel-VirtualBox:/etc/kamailio/pcscf# 78(3656) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:67]: connect_db(): DB connection already open... continuing 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[NATPING] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg] l=836 a=5 n=route 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[preload_pcscf] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg] l=895 a=16 n=if 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[preload_pcscf] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg] l=895 a=63 n=assign 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[preload_pcscf] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg] l=897 a=27 n=sql_query 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[preload_pcscf] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg] l=898 a=25 n=xlog 69(3641) ERROR: <script>: Preloading NAT-PING. Rows: 0 69(3641) ERROR: *** cfgtrace:request_route=[preload_pcscf] c=[/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg]
kindly help me in this issue of how to configure the rtp proxy or even if it is not required for basic configuration,let me know the procedure to comment this part or the procedure to take it forward to run P-CSCF without any errors.
Kindly help me in this regard. Thanks
Best Regards Pavithra M Tata Elxsi [cid:7ca5c450-5bb2-4d74-85ab-1c3e16346e2e]
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