confirm 83b7fb1612811c64f85f47a6046dd84dea286d15
Dear. All Hi~ I was adviced many times by "seruser" but my problems has not been solved. I,m afraid that I have many questions. So I intend to specify my present situation.
Operating System: Linux Fedora 3
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl start
Starting SER : started pid(8370)
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ps 0 8370 attendant 1 8375 fifo server 2 8377 receiver child=0 sock= 3 8379 receiver child=1 sock= 4 8384 receiver child=2 sock= 5 8386 receiver child=3 sock= 6 8387 receiver child=0 sock= 7 8390 receiver child=1 sock= 8 8393 receiver child=2 sock= 9 8397 receiver child=3 sock= 10 8401 timer 11 8403 tcp receiver 12 8406 tcp receiver 13 8410 tcp receiver 14 8412 tcp receiver 15 8415 tcp main process
my_ip: sip_uri: sip:hjkim@
I added my hostname and my ip address in /etc/host file. And I added alias="hostname.myserver.sampro.cse" alias="" in /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg file.
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[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ping sip:hjkim@ [1]+ Done cat <$path | filter_fl 483
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I received "SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops" . but I don't know the reason.
Well...My computer is connected other computers including computer has as ip address. And my /etc/host file has cse4 localhost.localdomain localhost kims myserver.sampro.cse
Is there reason in here??? I don't know .
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -T -s sip:hjkim@ warning: IP extract from warning activated to be more informational 0: (0.355 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 1: (0.982 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 2: (0.459 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 3: (0.520 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops ....................
177: timeout after 500 ms 177: timeout after 1000 ms 177: timeout after 2000 ms 177: (3306.067 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 178: (3.073 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 179: (3.104 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops ..................
313: (3.345 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 314: (3.494 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 315: (3.038 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 316: (3.518 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 317: (5.048 ms) SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL) without Contact header
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In response part, I found the message "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and "authorization failed request already contains (Proxy-) Authorization, but received 40[1|7], see above" What happened??
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -U -vv -s sip:hjkim@ warning: ignoring -i option when in usrloc mode registering user hjkim... authorizing registering user hjkim... request: REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Authorization: Digest username="hjkim", uri="sip:", algorithm=MD5, realm="myserver.sampro.cse", nonce="4333e4b8b0199c2d9c0f8bd249bedc3b8b20bf87", response="f58e11aff01e5123bcf5010405e91278" Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.4f28e7fb;rport From: sip:hjkim@;tag=4de59540 To: sip:hjkim@ Call-ID: 1306891584@ CSeq: 2 REGISTER Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: sipsak 0.9.1 Expires: 15 Contact: sip:hjkim@
response: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.4f28e7fb;rport=32860;received=
From: sip:hjkim@;tag=4de59540 To: sip:hjkim@;tag=b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58.ad3a Call-ID: 1306891584@ CSeq: 2 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="myserver.sampro.cse", nonce="4333e4b8b0199c2d9c0f8bd249bedc3b8b20bf87" Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.4 (i386/linux)) Content-Length: 0 Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=8397 req_src_ip= req_src_port=32860 in_uri=sip: out_uri=sip: via_cnt==1"
error: authorization failed request already contains (Proxy-) Authorization, but received 40[1|7], see above
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ul show Dumping all contacts may take long: are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N] y ===Domain list=== ---Domain--- name : 'aliases' size : 512 table: 0xf50b44c8 d_ll { n : 0 first: (nil) last : (nil) } ---/Domain--- ---Domain--- name : 'location' size : 512 table: 0xf50b2218 d_ll { n : 2 first: 0xf50b4220 last : 0xf50b4348 }
...Record(0xf50b4220)... domain: 'location' aor : 'kim' ~~~Contact(0xf50b4260)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : 'kim' Contact : 'sip:hjkim@myserver.sampro.cse' Expires : Permanent q : 1 Call-ID : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything' CSeq : 42 User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO' received : '' State : CS_SYNC Flags : 128 next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record... ...Record(0xf50b4348)... domain: 'location' aor : 'mj' ~~~Contact(0xf50b4388)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : 'mj' Contact : 'sip:mj@myserver.sampro.cse' Expires : Permanent q : 1 Call-ID : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything' CSeq : 42 User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO' received : '' State : CS_SYNC Flags : 128 next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record...
---/Domain--- ===/Domain list===
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I received the message "received ICMP packet (type: 3, code: 10): from" What does means this message??
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -T -vv -s sip:iptel@ warning: IP extract from warning activated to be more informational Max-Forwards set to 0
received ICMP packet (type: 3, code: 10): from
I’d appreciate it if you would give me some solutions. Thank you in advance.....
mi-jin Song
_________________________________________________________________ 행운의 주인공이 이번엔 나일꺼야, 진짜루... 인터넷 복권
ngrep -d any 040600 -t -W byline port 5060>
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ps 0 8370 attendant 1 8375 fifo server 2 8377 receiver child=0 sock= 3 8379 receiver child=1 sock= 4 8384 receiver child=2 sock= 5 8386 receiver child=3 sock= 6 8387 receiver child=0 sock= 7 8390 receiver child=1 sock= 8 8393 receiver child=2 sock= 9 8397 receiver child=3 sock= 10 8401 timer 11 8403 tcp receiver 12 8406 tcp receiver 13 8410 tcp receiver 14 8412 tcp receiver 15 8415 tcp main process
Iqbal - seems fine
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ping sip:hjkim@ [1]+ Done cat <$path | filter_fl 483
>>Iqbal ---- run ngrep -d any hjkim -t -W byline port 5060
on another console and see what you get, that may give a better idea into the loop, i tested with a ping like urs, and I got OPTIONS messager being sent, how are you handling this in ser.cfg
When you do a normal ping from the command line to the IP address what do you get, also when you ping to from the other PC does it reach it, sometimes you can ping out and there may be a bad route config, look at your PC's route table.
I tried what u did, and got timeout but no warnings, are you replying to OPTIONS headers in ser.cfg
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -T -s sip:hjkim@ warning: IP extract from warning activated to be more informational 0: (0.355 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 1: (0.982 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 2: (0.459 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 3: (0.520 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops .....................
177: timeout after 500 ms 177: timeout after 1000 ms 177: timeout after 2000 ms 177: (3306.067 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 178: (3.073 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 179: (3.104 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops ...................
313: (3.345 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 314: (3.494 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 315: (3.038 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 316: (3.518 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 317: (5.048 ms) SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL) without Contact header
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I also get the same but registration from clients work fine, so I am sure its sipsak, try it with using xlite as a client,
In response part, I found the message "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and "authorization failed request already contains (Proxy-) Authorization, but received 40[1|7], see above" What happened??
I received the message "received ICMP packet (type: 3, code: 10): from" What does means this message??
>>>>>Iqbal --------- type 3 = Destination unreachable
code 10 = communication with destination host is administratively Prohibited
Do you have a firewall on linux running like ipchains or something.
I would register using a client, see what happens, if that works sipsak has problem.
Then look at fixing your icmp problem, look at route table, if you can ping other sites ensure there is no blobk on icmp packets within a private network, some networks do this , to stop ping floods happening internally