Am 06.07.2006 um 19:00 schrieb Kenny Chua:
Hi all,
Just a quick question. When I use rtpproxy or mediaproxy, does the
media stream actually transfer through my rtpproxy server? Or does
media transfers from UA to UA.
For example, both UA1 and UA2 are behind different NAT, when the
call is connected, does the media travels through the RTPproxy
server? Or does it goes directly from UA1 to UA2? Thank you for
answering my question.
If UA1 and UA2 are behind different NAT, the Server invites both UA
and opens a Mediastream for each UA. Those Mediastreams are bridged
together with mediaproxy/rtpproxy.
UA1 <-> SER w/ Mediaproxy <-> UA2
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Dominik Bay
Cablesurf Technik