Alex Balashov wrote:
I have a Contact URI with params as in the following
form returned to me
in a 302 Moved Temporarily reply:
I am able to check the existence of parameters 'a' and 'b', which have
values assigned to them, in the following way:
failure_route[...] {
$var(dest) = $T_rpl($ct);
$var(dest) = $(var(dest){nameaddr.uri});
$var(dest) = $(var(dest){uri.user});
if(! $(var(dest){param.value,a})) {
However, what I cannot seem to figure out is a reliable test condition
for the existence of a parameter like 'b', which does not have a value.
One quite hackish (and untested) approach could be to iterate over all
{param.count} parameters and see if any {param.name,INDEX} matches "b".