After de-registration, a contact in the location table is marked as zombie, and after some time, it is deleted from the table. Right?
Ok, what happens when this user receives a call ... i mean, he is in the location table (as zombie), but he is not registered really on the phone?
What do the lookup('location") and registered('location") in this scenario return?
In my config ... a first call to lookup(loc) returns false, and then calling registered(loc) returns true. Is that right? Shouldn't the two functions do the same, just lookup rewrites the uri?
On 28-04-2005 17:03, Cesc Santasusana wrote:
After de-registration, a contact in the location table is marked as zombie, and after some time, it is deleted from the table. Right?
You should not see any contacts in a ZOMBIE_* state. zombie states were used for user location replication some time ago with a special module.
If you use db_mode 2 then the contacts should appear as SYNC or DIRTY in the location table and they will be deleted after a while by timer.
Ok, what happens when this user receives a call ... i mean, he is in the location table (as zombie), but he is not registered really on the phone?
He will not receive the message, because in the memory cache the contact is marked as deleted.
What do the lookup('location") and registered('location") in this scenario return?
If the user does not have any other contact registered then they will return a negative value.
In my config ... a first call to lookup(loc) returns false, and then calling registered(loc) returns true. Is that right? Shouldn't the two functions do the same, just lookup rewrites the uri?
They should return the same value. If that does not happen then there is a bug somewhere, in which case I would like to ask you to provide me with more information (SER version, dump of the location table, and so on).