Hello everybody!
A new openser module named H350 is available in the openser devel repository.
This module allows a script writer to implement H.350 based SIP digest authentication, call forwarding, SIP URI alias to AOR rewriting, and service level parsing.
H.350 is an ITU-T Recommendation that standardizes how real-time communications (RTC) account data is stored in an LDAP directory. In particular, H.350.4 defines LDAP object classes for storing SIP account data. H.350 and H.350.4 are also described in IETF RFC 3944.
The H350 module uses the LDAP module API to query H.350 directory servers, and it exports script functions to parse H.350 LDAP attributes into openser AVPs.
This allows to integrate openser proxies with an enterprise/provider's existing identity management infrastructure.
The module documentation should provide all information needed to use this module with your openser installation. Feel free to ask questions regarding this module on this list.
/Christian - University of North Carolina