sir I have changed default port 5060 to 5065 in ser.cfg in Global configuration parameters section. Server started beautifully. But I am not able to connect soft phones to the server. Softphone showed 'Login Failed' So PLZ tell me if I have to make any other changes in configuration file or any other file. regards
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Like you said: "... I am not able to connect soft phones to the server...". Your softphones are trying to contact your server at port 5060, while your server is listening on port 5065... That figures, you have to make your softphones send requests to 5065, instead of default port. Im sure, if you go through phone's settings, you'll find a way to vary the server port.
On 6/16/06, sumit dengri wrote:
sir I have changed default port 5060 to 5065 in ser.cfg in Global configuration parameters section. Server started beautifully. But I am not able to connect soft phones to the server. Softphone showed 'Login Failed' So PLZ tell me if I have to make any other changes in configuration file or any other file. regards
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