Hi, I m a new kamailio user. Kamailio version is 3.3. I want to enable kamailio's tls support. I fallowed instructions from this link : http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/tls:create-certificates
And I also enabled tls module in the kamailio.cfg file. (definig WITH_TLS and adding listen=tls:myIP:5061 command) But after trying to start kamailio i got "failed to start" error. When I checked the logs there is nothing about tls or ssl. Actually I got an error while fallowing the link above. "openssl s_client -connect localhost:5061 -tls1" command returns connection failed 111 error. I thought that this is the reason failed to start. But where or what am I doing wrong? I searched the web and hear about SRV records. But there is no explanations about this, on your guide/wiki. I also read this link too but cant get my answer : http://sip-router.org/docbook/sip-router/branch/master/modules/tls/tls.html%... Is there any idea or a better well-explained user guide about tls support?
Regards, Burak
On Saturday 29 December 2012 09:48:35 Burak ÖZTÜRK wrote:
I want to enable kamailio's tls support. I fallowed instructions from this link : http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/tls:create-certificates
If you just followed this article, my guess is that you have user/group permission problem.
-what are the keypair's permission/ownership? -what user is kamailio running as? -does the kamailio user have permission to read the keypair and all directories (strictly dirs don't need to be readable but need to have the execute bit set for the kamailio user/group)