At 04:16 PM 1/13/2005, serusers(a) wrote:
I'm trying to get the following functionality working (which may be impossible?)
- Users have account (in subscriber table) with a numeric identity, say
- Create an alias of this person so that they can be called by a text string, say
"fred(a)".org". This is in the alias table pointing to
Everything works fine. someone can call either "1234" or "Fred"....
Now "fred" wants to use his text name to Register as the number is not used any
more. In other words I'd like to lookup("aliases") before authenticating.
(eg map from "fred" to "1234" and then verify based upon the password
in the subscriber table for "1234").
Is there any way to have two (or more) 'subscriber' names get to the same auth
info for Registration?
we use the uri module/table to verify content of From URI against digest identity
for outgoing requests.
We use usrloc aliases to map incoming request URIs to a canonical URI.
In the future we plan to merge these two.
Thanks for any pointers...
Serusers mailing list
Jiri Kuthan