This is my first message to this list.
I have installed sip-router as follows (my system is Ubuntu 10.04):
cd /tmp
git clone --depth 1
git://git.sip-router.org/sip-router sip-router
cd sip-router
git checkout -b 3.1 origin/3.1
local prefix=/tmp/my/very/strange/path
mkdir -p $prefix
sudo apt-get install -y flex
sudo apt-get install -y docbook2x
make proper
make cfg prefix=$prefix
make all prefix=$prefix
make install prefix=$prefix
And this has worked as expected.
Now I try to start the daemon:
$ /tmp/my/very/strange/path/sbin/ser
loading modules under /usr/lib/ser/modules:/usr/lib/ser/modules_s
What can I do so that my non-standard path is fully recognized by all
sip router tools?
Daniel Gonzalez