Hello, sorry I don't know. I never meet similar problem. Use google or try ask on a PHP forum (e.g. http://news.php.net/)
regards Karel
昂達 napsal(a):
Hello Karel I have checked the apache log file in "/var/log/httpd/error_log" the file show this:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/classkit.so' - /usr/lib/php/modules/classkit.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
Then i change classkit.so permission to "777" and change owner to "apache". But the error also exist. How to slove this problem ??
Thank you so much
昂達,hunter1104@tw-airnet.net <mailto:<!--AID_FROMADDRESS_BEGIN-->hunter1104@tw-airnet.net<!--AID_FROMADDRESS_END-->> 2005-11-24
----- 收到以下來信內容 ----- *寄件人:* Karel Kozlik <mailto:karel@iptel.org> *收件人:* hunter1104 <mailto:hunter1104@tw-airnet.net> *時 間:* 2005-11-22, 18:21:28 *主 題:* Re: [Serusers] Problem with serweb... Hi, make sure if you are changeing right php.ini file. May be there is more php.ini files in your system in various locations or may be php is searching for php.ini in diferent directory. Also check log files: - syslog - apache log - php log for messages related to this problem. regards Karel 昂達 napsal(a): > Hello karel > > I have tried the method that you offered > In my phpinfo() , i haven't seen this: > ---------------------------------------- > classkit support enabled > version 0.4 > ----------------------------------------- > but i have really installed classkit! > and put it in "/usr/lib/php/modules/" > i also set : > extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules" > extension=classkit.so > > why it can not be loaded to php?? > > regards > Hunter
It sounds almost like the classkit is trying to load a shared library that you don't have access to. Try running ldd on your classkit.so and checking all the libraries underneath.
This would be a pretty weird situation, but take a look at it anyway.
On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 11:46:23 +0100, Karel Kozlik wrote
Hello, sorry I don't know. I never meet similar problem. Use google or try ask on a PHP forum (e.g. http://news.php.net/)
regards Karel
©ù¹F napsal(a):
Hello Karel I have checked the apache log file in "/var/log/httpd/error_log" the file show this:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/classkit.so' - /usr/lib/php/modules/classkit.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
Then i change classkit.so permission to "777" and change owner to "apache". But the error also exist. How to slove this problem ??
Thank you so much
----- ¦¬¨ì¥H¤U¨Ó«H¤º®e ----- *±H¥ó¤H:* Karel Kozlik <mailto:karel@iptel.org> *¦¬¥ó¤H:* hunter1104 <mailto:hunter1104@tw-airnet.net> *®É ¶¡:* 2005-11-22, 18:21:28 *¥D ÃD:* Re: [Serusers] Problem with serweb... Hi, make sure if you are changeing right php.ini file. May be there is more php.ini files in your system in various locations or may be php is searching for php.ini in diferent directory. Also check log files: - syslog - apache log - php log for messages related to this problem. regards Karel ©ù¹F napsal(a): > Hello karel > > I have tried the method that you offered > In my phpinfo() , i haven't seen this: > ---------------------------------------- > classkit support enabled > version 0.4 > ----------------------------------------- > but i have really installed classkit! > and put it in "/usr/lib/php/modules/" > i also set : > extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules" > extension=classkit.so > > why it can not be loaded to php?? > > regards > Hunter
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